First Schedule All that piece & parcel of Non-Agricultural Land bearing Old Survey No./H. No. 404/11/2 Pt., New Survey No./Hissa No. 404/B admeasuring 1 H- 21 P-0 are equivalent to 3 Acres and 1 Guntha or thereabout consisting of 79 Non-Agricultural plots of various measurements for residential purpose popularly known as BANJARA HILLS- SECTOR 5 and certain other areas shown on the sanctioned layout and more particularly mentioned hereinafterAREA STATEMENT AS PER SANCTIONED PLAN SQ.MTRS.Area of S. No. 404/ 11/2/Pt. 12,100Total Area under development 12,100Area Under Open Space (10percentage) 1,210Area Under Internal Roads 3,519.30Area Under Plots (38 to 79) 7,370.70 AREA STATEMENT AS PER TILR KJP SQ.MTRS.Area of S.No. 404/ 11/2/Pt.(Full details available in sale notice)