All that part and parcel of upper ground floor without roof/terrace rights on front side portion of built up property on Plot No.A-5 with 85 yards out of total area 140 sq.yards, inclusive of righs in common areas and facilities, with all other appurtenant rights over constructions, easementary rights existing or to be constructed & imptovements thereon, together with common stair case, entrance, passage with common car parking at ground floor along with proportionate USD rights over land underneath in Khasara No.105/4/1, situated in revenue estate of village palam, Delhi estate Delhi, area abadi known as colony Raja Puri, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-110059 owned by Mrs. Shalini Mittal and more fully described in the Sale Deed dated 29.08.2014 registered as Doc.No. 10808/2014 dated 10.09.2014 of SRO - Delhi and bounded on: North: Lane East: Plot No.4 South: Road West: PIot No.6