All the rights, piece & parcel of Immovable property bearing Plot No. 192 (After K.J.P New Block No. 280/859/192) of which area admeasuring 12 Ft by 40 Fti.e. 53.44 Sq. Mtrs, Along with 78.73 sq. mts. of undivided share proportionate share in the underneath land of the building and all internal and external rights thereto of the premises/campus known as "AKSHAR VILLA", constructed on non-agricultural land for residential use bearing Revenue Survey No. 234, 244, 246, Block No. 280 admeasuring 143531.00 sq. mts. Paiki 48815.14 Sq. Mts.. Situated at Moje Village: Shekhpur, Ta: Kamrej, District: Surat of Gujarat. Bounded:- East: Adj. Property of Block No. 193, West :- Adj. Property of Block No. 191, North:- Adj. Society Road, South: -Adj. Property of Block no. 195