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Construction ban in Delhi-NCR

Construction ban in Delhi-NCR will delay projects: Real estate developers

A one- month construction ban is estimated to delay the completion of  systems by at least two to three months.

 With the air quality deteriorating to severe ’  situations in the  public capital region, the Commission for Air Quality Management( CAQM) has invoked stage III of the Graded Response Action Plan( GRAP), which includes a ban on all  unnecessary construction and  obliteration conditioning in Delhi- NCR.  With the air quality deteriorating to severe ’  situations in the  public capital region, the Commission for Air Quality Management( CAQM) has invoked stage III of the Graded Response Action Plan( GRAP), which includes a ban on all  unnecessary construction and  obliteration conditioning in Delhi- NCR. 

 Replying to the move, real estate  inventors said the ban will delay delivery of  systems, and impact builders as well as homebuyers, as a one- month ban on construction, on average, detainments a  design by at least two to three months. They added that authorities should borrow a case- by- case approach when  enforcing air pollution regulations, and control vehicular emigrations and roadside dust, which are the main sources of pollution.

 Delhi's air quality  indicator( AQI) stood at 402 at 5 pm on 2nd November, 2023. piecemeal from a ban on  unnecessary construction and  obliteration conditioning, GRAP- III also includes a ban on the entry of diesel light  marketable vehicles( LCVs),  exchanges, and medium and heavy goods vehicles registered outside Delhi( except those involved in the provision of essential services)

 GRAP action depends on four stages of pollution Stage I-' poor'( AQI 201- 300); Stage II-'  veritably poor'( AQI 301- 400); Stage III-' severe'( AQI 401- 450); and Stage IV-' severe plus'( AQI above 450).